Cyber Bullets are being slung left and right by cyber bullies and those who should know better but aren’t acting any better than the other dogs in the pack. Reputations destroyed instantly. Rumors spread swiftly. Corrections processed a bit more slowly. Where’s the fail safe policy? If a bullet of destruction can be pressed in an instant, it is no wonder that I fear annihilation.
Cyber Bullets
It won’t be the best shot…
(but a bullet is still a bullet after all).
It won’t be accurate…
(so I’ll live on after the hit)
But fire away they will…
(They = the real media, and the pretenders, the establishment, the bureaucrats, the liars, the haters – gleeful in starting or spreading the pox.)
(But not, this time, destroying).
Deceivers (Andrew Breibart)
Amateurs (Fox News and others of that ilk).
What’s gossip?
What’s news?
Are facts checked ever?
Step on Ms. Shirley Sherrod (and the other before you and that will come after you)
Stand strong.
Truth…justice…freedom playmates still.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me…until they do.
The lyrics from Hit Me with Your Best Shot come to mind and seem apropos.
Hit Me with Your Best Shot (Written by Eddie Schwartz, Recorded by Pat Benatar, 1979, Crimes of Passion album)
Well you’re a real tough cookie with a long history
Of breaking little hearts, like the one in me
That’s O.K., lets see how you do it
Put up your dukes, let’s get down to it!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don’t You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!
You come on with your come-ons, you don’t fight fair
That’s O.K., see if I care!
Knock me down, it’s all in vain
I’ll get right back on my feet again!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don’t You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!
Well you’re a real tough cookie with a long history
Of breaking little hearts, like the one in me
Before I put another notch in my lipstick case
You better make sure you put me in my place
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Come On, Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don’t You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!
When I heard that Shirley Sherrod was suing, I wanted to find a way to contact her and cheer her on…I hope that guy gets convicted of slander or defamation of character or whatever the legal term is for lying about people. I hope his punishment is creative and useful…maybe make him work as a community organizer for a while. Such a jackass, pisses me off.
I hear you loud and clear. Thanks for your comments.