You asked for love to be delivered into your life. You prayed. You implored. You wished. You made lists. You bemoaned the slowness with which your request is being answered. The problem was/is…but before we get into that. Looking back, I can see opportunities for love missed by friends, family and myself.
It was the packaging. We couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
Love came but:
He was too short.
She was too fat.
He drove an old, beat-up car.
She was plain.
He was quiet.
She was loud.
He was the wrong color.
She was the wrong shade.
He was too young.
She was too old.
You couldn’t see for looking away from the love:
Sitting next to you.
Working in the same office.
Living around the corner.
Delivering the mail.
You didn’t notice:
Their efforts to make conversation…
Their lingering long after it was time to go…
Their consideration and kindness…
Their genuine interest.
You complain, implore, impatiently tapping your feet – where is the love I asked for?
I sent it.
Where is the one I’ve been searching for?
Right there.
Why can’t I find someone to love me?
Because you didn’t notice that special one you were sent.
You didn’t respond to them.
You wanted something more when you’d already been sent one of the best.
You looked above them, around them, and through them but didn’t step to them or let them step to you.
So now you have to wait.
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When I was much younger than I am today I know love came and I missed it, so yes I have many regrets.
Many lessons have been learnt and hopefully love will not be missed from now on.
Excellent post Candelaria, poetry in motion.
Peggy xxxx
Regrets…we all have them but can’t dwell on them which I know you don’t haven’t read your blog.
Hopefully love will find you soon. Thanks for commenting.