I carry happiness with me. While walking yesterday, while riding the T today, while doing some spring cleaning this past weekend, I had happiness in my ears and on my hip. Let me introduce you my portable happiness – Ms. iPod.
Listening to music on my iPod player (gifted to me by hubby) is instant joy.
Yesterday, Michael Jackson’s “Rock with You” got me going.
Today, I veered between Déjà vu by Beyoncé and Jay Z
and Stevie Wonder’s “Do I Do?” from his album Musiquarium (1982).
You can’t be down or depressed listening to Do I Do.
Stevie asks:
Do I do what you do when I do my love for you?
“Yes, Stevie,” would be my answer. There are several live versions of the video on YouTube, but I so enjoy listening to the song through my ear phones. (And dancing to it, of course.)
I’m on the T, listening to my portable happiness, mouthing the lyrics so as not to disturb my fellow riders, going back in my mind to one of the first times I heard this song with my girls – Mimi & Diane – back in our day…
Ah, there was a time when there was no better ones to be than we three (and no one than me).
Grab your iPod, put on some music, dance.
Spring has sprung!
I was thinking about this the other day when I saw someone walking around with their iPod looking so content. Unfortunately, I’m one of the 5 people on the planet who doesn’t have one and won’t for the foreseeable future. For now, iWish. ; )
“iWish” – love that. (Might borrow it sometime.)
My iPod was a gift to me from my husband. I didn’t ask for it, didn’t think I needed it, and would have continued walking around with my cd player contentedly. However, he gifted me for my birthday and I ended up enjoying it.
For the first several months I kept forgetting to carry it but then I realized it helped me obliterate some of those annoying conversations on the T. I still don’t use all of its features but the music works fine for me.
I hope the iPod fairy brings you one. You can get refurbished ones I know.
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