Thank you to the thousands of people whose labor during blizzards, power-outages, hurricanes and other disasters or big events, keep me comfortable and safe. You do work that often goes unheralded. Even when you don’t get everyone’s power back on or all of the piles of snow removed as quickly as desired, you work hard-hard-hard! Thank you. Some of you stick your necks out for us – firefighters, police officers, EMTS, T operators, and utility workers to name but a few. You step into harm’s way. “I was just doing my job” is what you often say when asked by a reporter why you did what you did. Humble…matter-of-fact. I admire you for this. I don’t know that I have the grace or fortitude you exercise. Most of you leave your own homes and families to tend the homes and families of others. Do you count on others to take care of them? Do you wonder if you will make it back home to them safe and sound? Pay cannot be the sole motivation for helping your fellow citizens. Where does the sense of duty come from? How was it nurtured? Thank you. From the bottom, top and middle of my heart. Thank you neighbors for digging out the elderly neighbor across the street. She is fiercely independent and private. She will not ask for help and usually doesn’t accept it when it is offered. But this snow storm, you got to work before she could protest or prevent. Thank you for being observant and caring.
Thank you to the dozens of people whose labor ensures:
The T runs.
The supermarket is stocked.
The mail and paper and packages are delivered.
The planes take-off and land.
The offices are cleaned.
The trash and recyclables are cleared.
The fruits and vegetables are picked.
The restaurant is open.
The children taught and coached and cared for.
The clothes are sewn and the lights are on and we are informed about what’s going on in our neighborhood, city, and world.
Thank you to the artists & entertainers who create:
- Music – what would life be without music?
Thank you to the athletes:
- Who play the games we enjoy.
Thank you neighbors and strangers for being part of my life even when I don’t know. My life would not be sustained without you.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you!