I have a couple of blog ideas in the queue that are musings, rants, rumblings – \the usual stuff. They’ll have to wait to be posted later, however, because on this sunny Saturday in Boston, I’ve decided to share a small wonderful thing that I experienced this morning instead of keeping it to myself.
Here’s what happened: My husband ran out to unlock the doors of the school where he works, responding to a call asking him to do so. A few minutes after he left, I heard his cell phone ringing several times upstairs from his office while I was getting dressed. I thought it must be his work phone* he’d left and maybe someone from the school was trying to reach him. When I went upstairs, I saw there were several messages but couldn’t figure out how to unlock the phone to answer them.
I went downstairs and began assembling clothes to do the laundry. His cell phone started ringing again. I picked up my phone and called his personal cell phone number to tell him someone was calling him on his work phone. All of a sudden I hear the phone on the third floor ringing again but with a different ring. In the space of a few seconds, I realized the tune was A Love Supreme by John Coltrane. That’s when I realized that this was the ring-tone he’d selected for me, his wife A Love Supreme!
I thought: He loves me! He knows that we have a love supreme! It made me stop , blush and grin. It made me feel all warm and toasty .
I’ve never particularly cared about ring-tones and have just been using what was already on the phone when I got it. I think that will change this weekend especially for one special number of one special man, my husband.
A ring-tone of love, a small, wonderful thing.
(*When he came home later, I found out that he didn’t have a work phone any more in his new position. I slept on that one..)
Ringtones are great…they can turn dread into joy.