A mother, a brother, a teacher, a spouse, a child, a coach, a stranger, a friend – any or all or other than these can be a source of encouragement. Written, spoken, whispered, bellowed, frequent or rare – words of encouragement are precious. I have received, witnessed and given encouragement to others. Allow me a few examples – Dreams, goals, desires and sometimes fantasies get achieved with encouragement, such as a door opening that seemed closed, an introduction given, a connection made, a scholarship granted, a fee waived, a deadline extended, a janitor taking that late grant and putting it in the received pile, a call taken, information about opportunities shared, an event/gathering/meeting attended, a contribution made. Etcetera
Mr. D – my supervisor in my first job at a public television station in St. Louis encouraged me when he discovered I’d talked my way into a clerical job but couldn’t type. He gave me a month to get it together. My uncle encouraged me not to quit said job and bought me a typewriter that I practiced on every night. He also gave me insight to go early and stay late to get the work done.
External, internal, earth-bound or from a realm beyond encouragement abounds.
There are so many ways to for us to support each other. Encourage and noursh!
Right! The amazing thing is that encouragement can come from the least likely places…and often depends on the person who receives it, whether or not they are looking or are open.