I am not generally a procrastinator except when I am. I prefer to think of what I do while I’m fittin’ to get ready to do what needs to be done as: marinating ideas before I commit them to paper planning before I act.
I get a lot of piddling things done when I’m marinating about the larger projects. This results in hours passing, a lot getting done, being too tuckered to take on the project that I should have been doing and shelving it for yet another day.
Works for me…except when it doesn’t.
Then I remember, “well-begun is half-done.” I don’t know who said this first but it’s something I’ve heard since I was a child.
I have to force myself to begin, sometimes wrestling long and hard with myself:
Do it, Candelaria. Do it, to it. Stop messing around. Just do it, already!
Whine: But I don’t wanna. I’m tired. I’m bored. Haven’t I done this a million times already why do I have to do it again? Ah yes – for the money, for the meal, for the order. Sigh.
These are the ways I’ve found to start.
(For Consulting Projects):
Making a list of project components.
Doodling ideas on a scrap of paper.
Typing in the client or project’s name on a word document. (Other words usually follow but even when they don’t, it means it’s officially begun.)
Looking at similar work I’ve done before.
Something has to be written to get it started…sort of like water to prime a pump.
(For Chores):
Sprinkle cleanser in the tub so that I have no choice but to scrub it down before I take my next shower.
Placing the broom and mop where I’ll have to trip over them.
Dumping the contents of the messy drawer or shelf on my bed or dining room table so I’ll have to deal with it
Not turning on the computer until the floor has been swept.
(for Cooking):
Washing the lettuce and storing in a container. (Makes it quicker to assemble a salad later.)
Chopping up the veggies for soup, spaghetti or stir fry early in the morning before I grab the paper.
Are you a procrastinator or a do-er?
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I dunno old friend, I can sprinkle cleanser in the tub and just let the shower run and rinse it out before the next time I need a shower. And, I can also sleep on the couch after I dump the drawer on the bed
I just Love it! I really enjoy your blog and the things you share. I agree about just getting things started and I just had to laugh when you quoted “well-begun is half done” because I heard that in my house growing up too. Thanks for sharing – I’m looking forward toi your next post.
Well clearly you have your priorities straight. I admire that in a woman.
Good to hear from you.
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Oh I am a bit of both. Some days I achieve very little and others I achieve a lot. However, I tend to achieve more if I am up early and start working on tasks straight away. If I laze about at the start of the day I tend to find it hard to gain the motivation to get busy later. The day is inevitably written off. Sometimes I over complicate things and over think them. I think its best to organise your priorities for the next day the night before and just get up and do them without giving them too much thought. And its best to start with the tasks you really do not want to do first – if I don’t they sit on my To Do list forever more.