When a phone rings in this time and place, we usually look at caller ID to see who it is rather than just answer it. People even do this at work. We don’t like to talk to people unprepared. We tend to filter. Sometimes when I make a call I time it so that I will reach the answering machine rather than the person. I have been caught off-guards and stammered when it turns out that I’ve actually reached the live person rather than the machine.
There are some numbers that come up on caller ID that make you hold your breath, especially if someone is calling out of context, i.e., at a different time than they usually call. When I saw my son’s # pop up two days ago in the middle of the day – I got nervous. He was calling out of context (he usually calls late at night when the calls are free) so I got worried. It turned out that he was calling with enthusiasm because it was the one year anniversary of when he’d quit smoking, a habit he had for about five years. He spent about $50/week on cigarettes. He noted that within a few days of his stopping smoking he started exercising (which he continues to do) and he got a gig doing a call in voice to a radio station that he continues to do weekly. He feels that clearing his lungs, decreasing a bad habit brought him in alignment for something positive to come into his life. Food tastes better, he’s saved money, found a new income stream, and has definitely gained a better body. I’m so proud of him.
Another friend is going to be featured in Essence (Jan. 08) in their annual Fit At Any Age issue. She works out religiously and has for years. She is a poster woman for having an active lifestyle. Congratulations, Mimi.
I like it when people are doing great and good things. It renews my energy and faith.
Another friend and I are joining others in taking the pledge to write a novel in one month (www.nanowrimo.org) I heard about this last year too late to participate. The goal is to set down a certain number of words each day. It should be a blast. At the end of the month one will be expected to achieve a first draft. It will be great to be in the community of people working toward this goal.
Found out that a former colleague has gotten a new gig with the state that will work better for her skills and her family. Congratulations!
Good news has been coming in. I started an essay yesterday titled “Today I Love Everyone.” There are some days where we can feel the beauty and blessings of our lives so clearly that we are able to love everyone – even the people we can’t stand, don’t understand, or who don’t like us.
Here’s a poem/lyric from my series, “Songs Somebody Should Sing.”
There are some numbers that come up on caller ID that make you hold your breath, especially if someone is calling out of context, i.e., at a different time than they usually call. When I saw my son’s # pop up two days ago in the middle of the day – I got nervous. He was calling out of context (he usually calls late at night when the calls are free) so I got worried. It turned out that he was calling with enthusiasm because it was the one year anniversary of when he’d quit smoking, a habit he had for about five years. He spent about $50/week on cigarettes. He noted that within a few days of his stopping smoking he started exercising (which he continues to do) and he got a gig doing a call in voice to a radio station that he continues to do weekly. He feels that clearing his lungs, decreasing a bad habit brought him in alignment for something positive to come into his life. Food tastes better, he’s saved money, found a new income stream, and has definitely gained a better body. I’m so proud of him.
Another friend is going to be featured in Essence (Jan. 08) in their annual Fit At Any Age issue. She works out religiously and has for years. She is a poster woman for having an active lifestyle. Congratulations, Mimi.
I like it when people are doing great and good things. It renews my energy and faith.
Another friend and I are joining others in taking the pledge to write a novel in one month (www.nanowrimo.org) I heard about this last year too late to participate. The goal is to set down a certain number of words each day. It should be a blast. At the end of the month one will be expected to achieve a first draft. It will be great to be in the community of people working toward this goal.
Found out that a former colleague has gotten a new gig with the state that will work better for her skills and her family. Congratulations!
Good news has been coming in. I started an essay yesterday titled “Today I Love Everyone.” There are some days where we can feel the beauty and blessings of our lives so clearly that we are able to love everyone – even the people we can’t stand, don’t understand, or who don’t like us.
Here’s a poem/lyric from my series, “Songs Somebody Should Sing.”
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