Why am I here? (Well I know that Mommy and Daddy had some fun but other than that…) What am I here for? What is my purpose? (Am I just another human in the universe? Am I supposed to be more?) Why me? Not that I mind being here. It’s a good place to be, as good as any I know. What I’ve been trying to figure out is why. Think of the odds: that particular man and that particular woman being born and then that particular man and that particular woman being attracted to each other. ..connecting…making love/having sex at the right time for their healthy sperm and fertile eggs to unite with the result that I am here: me, born health, grew up, and, thus far, living well. Here I am. I am here. But what does that mean? I could be anywhere. I could be nowhere. I could be angry. I could be satisfied. I could be loving. I could be hateful. I could be silent. I could be loud. I could be good. I could be badass (yeah, badass). Right now – here. A while later – there. I want to know why. The answers I’ve been given are not complete. They all have their angles and explanations but they all lack something. So I ponder. And I continue. Living the best I know how. Finding purpose along the way. Being more positive than negative. Doing love and beauty. Keeping peace. Happy Birthday to me.
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