10 Uncovering and Rediscovering My Corners during Covid-19 PandemicSheltering in place during the Covid-19 pandemic is allowing me to uncover and rediscover the corners of my […] This entry was posted in Celebration Encouragement Language & Words Musings about life With Gratitude & Thanks Women and tagged Alice Walker Candelaria Silva coping Corid-19 pandemic gratitude Langston Hughes Ms magazine quarantine sheltering in place Solitude sun music Toni Morrison on April 8, 2020 by Candelaria Silva
9 To be real about resilienceI’ve listened to many keynote speakers, presenters and panelists talk about the importance of resiliency over the years […] This entry was posted in Advice Black People Encouragement Language & Words Musings about life words of wisdom and tagged coping keynote speakers platitudes resilience resiliency on August 18, 2016 by Candelaria Silva